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Last updated
Our Art along with community is the essence of the project & we will constantly look to release more, update existing art and enter new markets. But what do we have planned so far?
You can see in the 'Story so far...' section that its not just about the art, we want the art to tell a story, and each phase of our project will bring out new art but also the next chapter of the story.
We are going to be creating a comic book for each phase of our story, digitally but also hopefully physically too - these will be completely hand drawn so will take time!
Each chapter will introduce new characters, new art - some teases at the minute include 'Rivals' & 'Sidekicks'.
Our new art will be released via airdrops, as mentioned in the 'Precocious DAO' section, DAO members will get automatic airdrops for these - DAO members will never have to pay for any new art from us.
Our future drops will be personal to our holders, without giving too much away at this stage, we will request traits off our holders to use for our next airdrops and collections.. but i wonder what?